Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Murdered John Wheeler III and Why?

Good afternoon,

I am Earl Lofland, The Kent County Chairman for the Constitution Party and This past election I was the Fusion candidate on the Independent Party of Delaware ballot for United States Congress

Since Jan. 1, 2011 I have been watching news and reading comments posted on Mr Wheelers murder.
John Wheeler's family offers $25,000 reward for tips in his death

First, I extend my prayers to the family members that the Lord bless them with a peace beyond all understanding. And that who ever murdered Mr Wheeler be found and tried for their crime(s).

The more I read, suspicions increase that US tax dollars maybe be inappropriately used on a program that may have be back online MKULTRA

There were several deaths associated with the Project MKULTRA, most notably Frank Olson. Olson, a US Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in November,1953 as part of a CIA experiment, Mr Olson died under "suspicious circumstances" a week later.

It is my personal observation the murder of Mr Wheeler should be investigated on a state level as well as a federal level, in accordance to the UCMJ protocols, and the possibly for a congressional investigation on his death.
I base this on the High Security Clearance Mr. Wheeler had and his close affiliation with the DoD.

Here are some of my thoughts and observations from my extensive research on the murder of Mr. John Wheeler,III also his profile.
Like many others, I have been watching the news on the murder of John Wheeler III

Days ago, the News Journal stated John Wheeler was beaten to death
John Wheeler investigation: Former Pentagon official was beaten to death
| | The News Journal

In that article the ME's office revealed his death was not due to any chemicals according to toxicology testing.

My first questions would be:
How extensive where the ME's Toxicology tests?
What exactly were they looking for when they conducted the Toxicology testing?
And could there have been something they didn't test for, that may have contributed to his murder in anyway?

It would be interesting to know exactly what the ME did find in their Toxicology report.

Also, has anyone found the briefcase he stated was stolen from him?
My hunch: if you find what he had in his briefcase you will find not only the motive but the murder(s)

It would be interesting to know why if the Wheeler's have not obtained this . Why shouldn't their attorney file a FOIA to obtain the ME's findings and the video footage, that the police are not releasing to the family. The footage being shown to the family could be useful in determining if it was infact Mr Wheeler. Who would know Mr. Wheeler better than his own family?

And I would file an injunction for independent toxicology tests be conducted to include chemicals that may not have been included in the initial exam.

Personally, I would be looking to see whether a trace test for Agent 15 had been done; A-15 is believed to be the same as or similar to BZ that is an Iraqi truth serum. BZ 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate or one of the many other "Truth Serums" that are on the market. I would also include Savlia D or Salvia A a psycoactive drug that studies have been done on its effects by the DEA since May of 2010. (et al.?)

BZ and many other serums are odorless and nonirritating. and is able to be applied through an aerosol spray container similar to mace spray.

Both BZ and Agent 15 have delayed symptoms that take affect many hours after contact.[1] In the field the only immediate indications of its use may be the white smoke.that would be in the isolated location where it is dispersed (like a dispenser used to spray mace) Detection methods have been developed for BZ, they are not standardized and limited to laboratory analysis or specialized monitoring in industrial facilities (Toxicology testing).
There are other toxicology tests that I would even look at. Saliviurm A or D

The reason is due to the governments activities through the CIA with experiments using civilians in studies for psychoactive drugs and their how effective this form of Chemical and Biological warfare was in overthrowing hostile governments of the US (Google Cathy O'Brian and MK Ultra)
CIA off campus: building the movement against agency recruitment and researchBy Ami Chen Mills

Science Technology and the CIA

New York Times Project Ultra, The CIA's Program in research of behavioral modification

"The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence".

Church Committee report, no. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess.. Washington, D.C..: United States Congress. 1976. p. 392.
Chapter 3: Supreme Court Dissents Invoke the Nuremberg Code: CIA and DOD Human Subjects Research Scandals

My personal conclusions:

This is not just some random mugging.,

Combined with the knowledge that the government was involved in activities related to biological and chemical experimentation on the effectiveness in a military atmosphere such as but not limited to Cocaine. LSD, Marijuana, inter alia as a Biological and Chemical weapon of war, under MK Ultra. And knowing Mr Wheeler was opposed to the use of biological and chemical weapons even to the extent of witting a report on the subject during his tenure in the DoD. And just from understanding Johns background; this is obviously so clear to me, (and to others) it is not just the ordinary run of the mill guy who was "drunk" and in the bad part of town only to be mugged.

He was in good health obviously. And I am not positive but It might even be safe to say he had a good record of health for the most part.
Also with Mr Wheeler serving in the Military as a commissioned officer and West Point Graduate!!! With a high security clearance.He also was part of the advisory counsel for chemical weapons.

(By the way BZ is controlled under schedule 2 of the Chemical Weapons Convention.)

The toxicology tests show chemicals were not the cause of death. But what other substances were found in their tests? And exactly what did they test for?

Such as did they search for traces of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (BZ) maybe? BTW Production of
It is also an odorless military incapacitating agent

BZ is odorless and nonirritating with delayed symptoms several hours after contact. In the field the only immediate indications of its use may be the white smoke emanating from delivered weapons. Though detection methods have been developed for BZ, these have not been standardized for field use and are limited to laboratory analysis or specialized monitoring in industrial facilities

If you want my guess John was incapacitated in Wilmington, The perp(s) searched for documents that he had in his breifcase . His body taken to Newark as a distraction and to pollute the investigation with distance between the crime scene and any locations between where he was dumped and where he would be found.See More

On September 28, 1994 U.S. General Accounting Office issued a report , stating from 1940 - 1974, DoD and other national security agencies studied thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.

The study :

... Working with the CIA, the Department of Defense gave hallucinogenic drugs to thousands of "volunteer" soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s. In addition to LSD, the Army also tested quinuclidinyl benzilate, a hallucinogen code-named BZ. (Note 37) Many of these tests were conducted under the so-called MKULTRA program, established to counter perceived Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques. Between 1953 and 1964, the program consisted of 149 projects involving drug testing and other studies on unwitting human subjects...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is This The Final Cut?

I have heard many veterans who supported the "Tea Party" (Not the Real Tea Party) now becoming outraged by what is taking place with veteran benefits and coming from someone labeled as a "Tea Party Favorite"
Bachmann plan would cut veterans benefits (Army Times)
I have seen comments pouring in

"We can give $1.5B in foriegn aid to Egypt, to be spent on their military, and you want to cut $4.5B from our Veterans"

"Congresswoman Bachman, if you're going to send our men and woman overseas to fight for their country then you damn sure better take care of them when they return!"

Bringing to light my personal analysis of what is happening today in the geopolitical realm, and how it important it is in seeing what is taking place in Egypt reveals a conclusion this leads to what is mentioned in Luke 21:20-24.

As I look at what is happening in Egypt, the more I see reflections to what happened 30 years ago when Mubarak was the Vice President under Anwar El Sadat who in 1981 agreed to the Israel Peace Treaty. It also has reflections of
Iraq, with the toppling of Saddam - Chalabi in Iraq was tied with Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, strategists who have had long been an advocate of regime changes in that region and around the world.
Compare the profile of Ahmed Chalabi with Mohamed ElBaradei Chalabi studied and a University of Chicago Grad
Baradei a NYU Grad
This has markings of Burson-Marsteller or the John Rendon Group.

There are strong signs Egypt will undergo a change in power. Just as it did when Mubarak was the VP of Egypt during the assassination of Anwar El Sadat
Some reflect on the current geopolitical structure as being an oppression of the people of Egypt. And the people of Egypt like Tunisia revolted against the powers that be.
The Muslim Brotherhood and Iran have been seen propagating support for Mohamed El Baradei. And Egypt has often times opposed supporting Hamas Back in 2009 iman Tahu was a spokesperson for Hamas negotiating a ceasefire with Israel during Operation Cast Lead.
At that meeting was the State Department Envoy (Mitchell and possibly H.C. who had traveled to that region that week as well.
Tahu after leaving the negotiations was caught with 11 Million Dollars attempting to cross the Egypt border. 8 M was USD and 3 was EUD.
Published: 02/05/09, 6:47 PM
Hamas Returns from Cairo with Illegal Cash, No Deal
Then just weeks later the US agreed to Pledge $900 Million to Gaza
Reported: 05:31 AM - Feb/24/09

BTW Egypt did not return the 8 million USD and 3 M EUD . to who provided it to Tahu either.

Currently all the the signs are pointing to a transfer of power and it could reflect ElBaradei would be replacing Mubarak.

What would be the long term repercussions in this?
Oil and other goods l that is supplied to the US (Oil from the OPEC Arab states)
With our support to Egypt dating back to the construction of the Suez Canal has provided the US with access to transport not only oil but other supplies from that region through the least expensive route. The Suez Canal. It also allows us a less expensive route to provide supplies and naval support for Troops deployed in IRQ and AFGHN.

The moment the US looses access of this canal for shipping traffic there will be a huge increase in products that come from Pakistan, India. from Computer and auto parts. To Clothing and crude oil that provides everything from gasoline and diesel fuel heating oil and cosmetics and paints.
This has a much bigger plan than most probably realize.
By a Muslim Brotherhood having control of the Suez will bring the US government to be forced to capitulate to their demands in order to keep goods from hyperinflation due to the costs to have them shipped by a route that will add at least 2 weeks to the delivery and add an additional hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel expenses to go around the Cape of Good Hope.

This will also give more leverage for Israel to be surrounded by armies Iran will be leveraged to impose its demands through the brotherhood on the US in Nuclear Proliferations. Saudi Arabia will be at risk of having its powers toppled As well as Yemen.

And When the US no longer supports Israel. the country will be left to defend itself And you will have Egypt (using supplies provided by the US for 30 years) Lebanon. Gaza. Syria surrounding Israel under a harsh environment. Then you will also have the US blocked in by Syria and Turkey all these are also showing a weakening of support for Israel.
This will all be in lines with what the prophets had said would have to take place just before the coming of the Lord.
Jesus even stated that when you see this Yerusalam that the people of Judah were to flee to the Mountains and not carry nothing with them.
And we who are in Christ Jesus are to Look up for our redemption draws near. Behold!!! It is even at the door!

We give 1.5 B to Egypt because we have most of our goods shipped in from Pakistan India. Saudi Arabia Oil products Computer products Auto parts cosmetics are an oil base product. gasoline and heating oil diesel fuel has to be shipped th...rough the least expensive route the Suez Canal.
Imagine the cost for these goods to be delivered to the US if shipping was forced to go around the Cape of Good Hope.
Gasoline at the pump would go up to 10 a gallon and you would see hyper inflation combined with the shrinking of a US Dollar.And employment reaching and possibly exceeding 40%.

Sunday, January 23, 2011



Earlier this week an article was published on the Constituiton Party National Web Sites news section.

During the 2010 campaign, I received questions why I sought the seat in the US House of Representatives, pointiong out how important this seat is to managing our governments fiscal budget, federal funding and defunding for all government business are decided, according to our constitution in the United States House of Representatives and in order to focus on any vialble and feasible strategy-assuring that "politics as usual" would not take place on the Beltway. voters needed someone in office who was not part of the same politics nor involved with the political structure that has been bringing the country down this very road we have traveled.

The disarry of disfunctional and failed plans promoted to correct the economy; The continual funding additional agencies and increasing the size of government 7 times the amount it was before President Johnson, The continues overspending in a military industrial complex that has neglected to providing aid and support to disabled veterans who have medical needs. Many having 4-6 deployments in combat zones and no or little treatment for theirs or their families needs in adiquite medical care -- causing a plethora of difficult backlashes needing to be properly addressed and corrected. Not only on troop cohesion, and medical treatment for the veterans, also issues releated to the handling of detainees, what court venue they should be tried in and if they are to be tried for any crimes; Who should and should not be held as Prisoners of War, or if they are to be listed as civilian criminals.

Then we have to look at the problems with our failing education system; Healthcare; social security, Corporate Bailouts; Stimulus funding; Earmarks; The rights of the American people regarding their security in their homes; and illegal search and seizure rules; Abortion; Marriage; Borrowing practices; Anti Trust Laws; Funding that comes from other countries- opening a wide door of opportunities for those countries to demand capitualiton of our government almost in what has recently been seen as a mockery for what politicians have permitted. Increaing the dangers of our nations security in their bad politics, while blaming those who expose their actions as treasonous, (WikiLeaks); Protecting our religious freedoms- not to be infringed upon, while also focusing on the political errors that escalated to creating a pandemic of mistakes Americans finally realise has surfaced, that began well over 50 years ago.

Without any doubt, like myslef others agree: The true sense of the people having the right to assembling together and demanding redress from their government - and the direction for todays politics, is not about a Republican Party victory in the US House.
It will determine how this Majority party elected into Congress will approach the important issues which the American people demand to be corrected. And if they are not corrected by those they elected in 2010. We must ask ourselves: What will the next approach be in 2012 and beyond?
Will the people be disappointed enough by both parties to decide the time has come to throw off the old guards of the two party politics and elect an alternate party to have the presence of individuals outside of the two party politics in our government that has to parties so staggeringly close to each other it is hard to discern which Politician belongs to which of the two parties.
Earl Lofland, Constitution Party of Delaware

Chairman, Constitution Party of Washington

As a new year begins and a new Congress comes on the stage promising reform, fiscal accountability and a return to conservative principles, I’ve got to remind us all to stay focused on the big picture. Too often, our attention is diverted from the real and weighty issues that determine the future of our country, our liberty and our prosperity. Like the illusionist who diverts our attention from what is really going on, the political powers that be, along with the dominant media and political pundits, direct our attention to whatever is being billed as the major political battle of the day. But more often than not, those battles are being waged over what amounts to minutia or only minor differences in policy when compared to what I consider to be the big picture.

The recent battle over extending the Bush tax cuts is a good case in point. Both Democrats and Republicans decried each other’s position as disastrous, ruinous, or downright evil. Both told their supporters that they were here to save them from the other party. Conservative commentators told us that the Democrats would destroy the economy and crush us under an unbearable burden of increased taxation. When the dust settled and the Republicans claimed victory, conservative leaders engaged in an orgy of self congratulation patting themselves on the back for ushering in the new age of conservatism that will save the country from the liberals. The casual observer would think it is now safe to go back to sleep confident that small government, low taxes, Tea Party Republicans are in charge now and all will be well.

But was the extending of the Bush tax cuts the epic struggle for our economic survival that it was billed to be? Or was it a distraction that diverted our attention from the big picture?

During that debate we were inundated with plenty of minutia from political pundits and talking heads discussing whether the Bush tax cuts increased GDP, decreased federal revenues, or increased the federal deficit and by what percentage of GDP adjusted for inflation as based on CBO projections for the year 2018 and how that will effect couples filing jointly with 2.3 children and a medical insurance co-payment of . . . . . blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum, insert endless stream of baffling BS here.

Ultimately, there were really only two relevant questions; 1) How much of our personal income is being taken for the cost of government and; 2) Exactly how much did the Bush tax cuts reduce that burden for the average American? With that in mind, I set out looking for answers and found the following.


What is known as the ’Bush tax cuts’ is actually a collection of various changes in federal tax laws, rates, rules, etc, assembled into two different bills passed by Congress and signed by President Bush in 2001 and 2003. To see exactly how much these tax cuts directly affected our lives and our standard, the following gives a sampling of what percentage of gross income the average American paid in taxation (local, state and federal combined) during the last 10 years.

2000 32.98% Last year of Clinton Presidency
2004 28.53% First year that all Bush tax cuts were fully implemented
2006 31.16% Last year of Republican controlled Congress
2008 28.99% Last year of Bush Presidency
2010 26.89% Current rate under Obama and Democrat Congress


The actual cost of government is considerably higher as it takes into account total spending, fees (not counted as taxes) and the cost of complying with government regulations. According to Americans for Tax Reform (, in the last decade, Cost of Government Day, the day at which Americans stop working to pay for the cost of government and start keeping what they earn, has fallen on:

2000 June 29 Last year of Clinton Presidency
2004 July 10 First year that all Bush tax cuts were fully implemented
2006 July 10 Last year of Republican controlled Congress
2008 July 16 Last year of Bush Presidency
2010 Aug 19 Current Cost of Government Day

According to the above, while taxes may have gone down by as much as 3% during the time of the Bush tax cuts, the cost of government went up. In other words, our standard of living didn’t really change, but we did acquire a lot of new debt, over $4trillion during the Bush Presidency.


First of all, the battle over extending the Bush tax cuts was not really about lowering taxes, it was about maintaining the current level of taxation. And it wasn’t a battle over the whole 3% that those tax cuts appear to have represented, seeing as Democrats already planned to retain most of those cuts. The ’Great Battle’ was over one element of the Bush tax cuts that was directed at individuals earning over $200,000 per year. To win this ’Great Victory,’ Republicans acquiesced to nearly $1 trillion in new spending (i.e. debt), $313 billion of which their own budget point man concedes is unnecessary. By the way, all of this was done to gain only a two year extension, after which time we’ll be watching this movie all over again.

While everyone was paying attention to the Republican versus Democrat battle being waged over extending that one element of the tax cuts, we were all successfully distracted from looking at the big picture – the fact that regardless of which party is in power, over half of all that we produce continues to be devoured by the government behemoth (63% currently and about 52% under Bush and the Republican Congress).

It isn’t that the extending of the tax cuts doesn’t matter. It’s that issues like this often manage to distract us and cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture. Our party of preference wins the battle of the day and we all go back to our homes singing the victory, oblivious to the fact that taxpayers continue to lose the war as the establishment maintains the status quo.


In 2011, let’s not get distracted by the minutia offered up by party leaders, political pundits and the 6 o’clock news. Let’s stay focused on the big picture – the weighty issues of life, liberty, property, the clear limits placed on government by the U.S. Constitution, the 63% of all our income that is being consumed by government, the $3.5 trillion per year being spent by the federal government and $1.2 trillion per year in new debt that is being heaped on the backs of the next generation.

If the Republicans in Congress want to claim to represent Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists and traditional conservatives, they need to step up to the plate and wage a real war to rein in out of control spending and put the federal government back in its Constitutionally prescribed box.

In 2011, the big picture is the fact that the Republican controlled House of the 112th Congress has it within their power to rein in most of the federal government’s un-Constitutional activities (by defunding them), end deficit spending and balance the budget. You see, Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.” In other words, the federal government cannot, and will not, spend a penny more than what the controlling party in the House (the Republicans) decides it will spend.

Now you may be thinking “Oh my, the Democrats would scream bloody murder – there would be gridlock – the government could shut down.” Yes! You’re catching on! That’s exactly the idea and it’s exactly what the framers of our Constitution intended. They intended for the people’s direct representatives (the House) to be able to hold the rest of the government in check by holding the purse strings and thereby be able to “compel the Senate to agree to a reasonable measure, by withholding supplies till the measure is consented to,” as James Iredell argues in connection with the Constitution ratification debates. As for a “reasonable measure,” I think balancing the budget and denying funding for any activity or agency not clearly authorized under the U.S. Constitution is quite reasonable. The next reasonable measure that I would like to see, is to get the total cost of government (local, state and federal) back to its 1910 level of 5% of income as opposed to the current 63%.

If, in the coming two years, under a Republican controlled House, even one un-Constitutional program receives funding or one dollar is added to the deficit, or Cost of Government Day comes any later than January 19 (as it did in 1910), it will not be because Republicans are powerless. It will not be because of ’the big bad liberals.’ It will be because the Republicans in the House want it that way. The only other possible explanation would be that we the people have elected to high office weak-kneed, limp-wristed, panty-waists who are afraid of a fight. No, I didn’t call the Republicans panty-waists, I said we’re going to give them two years to show us whether they are or not.


With the remake of one of my favorite movies in mind, True Grit, I have to ask, where are the national leaders with grit? Men who without fear for their popularity or political careers, will stand up to the criminal violators of our Constitution, take the reins in their teeth and a gun in each hand and charge at the oppressing oligarchs who seek to tax us into oblivion.

Oh for a handful of national leaders with True Grit!


If you agree with the content of this article, please forward, post and publish far and wide. If you don’t, who will?

© Robert W. Peck



by Robert W. Peck
Chairman, Constitution Party of Washington

As a new year begins and a new Congress comes on the stage promising reform, fiscal accountability and a return to conservative principles, I’ve got to remind us all to stay focused on the big picture. Too often, our attention is diverted from the real and weighty issues that determine the future of our country, our liberty and our prosperity. Like the illusionist who diverts our attention from what is really going on, the political powers that be, along with the dominant media and political pundits, direct our attention to whatever is being billed as the major political battle of the day. But more often than not, those battles are being waged over what amounts to minutia or only minor differences in policy when compared to what I consider to be the big picture.

The recent battle over extending the Bush tax cuts is a good case in point. Both Democrats and Republicans decried each other’s position as disastrous, ruinous, or downright evil. Both told their supporters that they were here to save them from the other party. Conservative commentators told us that the Democrats would destroy the economy and crush us under an unbearable burden of increased taxation. When the dust settled and the Republicans claimed victory, conservative leaders engaged in an orgy of self congratulation patting themselves on the back for ushering in the new age of conservatism that will save the country from the liberals. The casual observer would think it is now safe to go back to sleep confident that small government, low taxes, Tea Party Republicans are in charge now and all will be well.

But was the extending of the Bush tax cuts the epic struggle for our economic survival that it was billed to be? Or was it a distraction that diverted our attention from the big picture?

During that debate we were inundated with plenty of minutia from political pundits and talking heads discussing whether the Bush tax cuts increased GDP, decreased federal revenues, or increased the federal deficit and by what percentage of GDP adjusted for inflation as based on CBO projections for the year 2018 and how that will effect couples filing jointly with 2.3 children and a medical insurance co-payment of . . . . . blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum, insert endless stream of baffling BS here.

Ultimately, there were really only two relevant questions; 1) How much of our personal income is being taken for the cost of government and; 2) Exactly how much did the Bush tax cuts reduce that burden for the average American? With that in mind, I set out looking for answers and found the following.


What is known as the ’Bush tax cuts’ is actually a collection of various changes in federal tax laws, rates, rules, etc, assembled into two different bills passed by Congress and signed by President Bush in 2001 and 2003. To see exactly how much these tax cuts directly affected our lives and our standard, the following gives a sampling of what percentage of gross income the average American paid in taxation (local, state and federal combined) during the last 10 years.

2000 32.98% Last year of Clinton Presidency
2004 28.53% First year that all Bush tax cuts were fully implemented
2006 31.16% Last year of Republican controlled Congress
2008 28.99% Last year of Bush Presidency
2010 26.89% Current rate under Obama and Democrat Congress


The actual cost of government is considerably higher as it takes into account total spending, fees (not counted as taxes) and the cost of complying with government regulations. According to Americans for Tax Reform (, in the last decade, Cost of Government Day, the day at which Americans stop working to pay for the cost of government and start keeping what they earn, has fallen on:

2000 June 29 Last year of Clinton Presidency
2004 July 10 First year that all Bush tax cuts were fully implemented
2006 July 10 Last year of Republican controlled Congress
2008 July 16 Last year of Bush Presidency
2010 Aug 19 Current Cost of Government Day

According to the above, while taxes may have gone down by as much as 3% during the time of the Bush tax cuts, the cost of government went up. In other words, our standard of living didn’t really change, but we did acquire a lot of new debt, over $4trillion during the Bush Presidency.


First of all, the battle over extending the Bush tax cuts was not really about lowering taxes, it was about maintaining the current level of taxation. And it wasn’t a battle over the whole 3% that those tax cuts appear to have represented, seeing as Democrats already planned to retain most of those cuts. The ’Great Battle’ was over one element of the Bush tax cuts that was directed at individuals earning over $200,000 per year. To win this ’Great Victory,’ Republicans acquiesced to nearly $1 trillion in new spending (i.e. debt), $313 billion of which their own budget point man concedes is unnecessary. By the way, all of this was done to gain only a two year extension, after which time we’ll be watching this movie all over again.

While everyone was paying attention to the Republican versus Democrat battle being waged over extending that one element of the tax cuts, we were all successfully distracted from looking at the big picture – the fact that regardless of which party is in power, over half of all that we produce continues to be devoured by the government behemoth (63% currently and about 52% under Bush and the Republican Congress).

It isn’t that the extending of the tax cuts doesn’t matter. It’s that issues like this often manage to distract us and cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture. Our party of preference wins the battle of the day and we all go back to our homes singing the victory, oblivious to the fact that taxpayers continue to lose the war as the establishment maintains the status quo.


In 2011, let’s not get distracted by the minutia offered up by party leaders, political pundits and the 6 o’clock news. Let’s stay focused on the big picture – the weighty issues of life, liberty, property, the clear limits placed on government by the U.S. Constitution, the 63% of all our income that is being consumed by government, the $3.5 trillion per year being spent by the federal government and $1.2 trillion per year in new debt that is being heaped on the backs of the next generation.

If the Republicans in Congress want to claim to represent Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists and traditional conservatives, they need to step up to the plate and wage a real war to rein in out of control spending and put the federal government back in its Constitutionally prescribed box.

In 2011, the big picture is the fact that the Republican controlled House of the 112th Congress has it within their power to rein in most of the federal government’s un-Constitutional activities (by defunding them), end deficit spending and balance the budget. You see, Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution states that “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.” In other words, the federal government cannot, and will not, spend a penny more than what the controlling party in the House (the Republicans) decides it will spend.

Now you may be thinking “Oh my, the Democrats would scream bloody murder – there would be gridlock – the government could shut down.” Yes! You’re catching on! That’s exactly the idea and it’s exactly what the framers of our Constitution intended. They intended for the people’s direct representatives (the House) to be able to hold the rest of the government in check by holding the purse strings and thereby be able to “compel the Senate to agree to a reasonable measure, by withholding supplies till the measure is consented to,” as James Iredell argues in connection with the Constitution ratification debates. As for a “reasonable measure,” I think balancing the budget and denying funding for any activity or agency not clearly authorized under the U.S. Constitution is quite reasonable. The next reasonable measure that I would like to see, is to get the total cost of government (local, state and federal) back to its 1910 level of 5% of income as opposed to the current 63%.

If, in the coming two years, under a Republican controlled House, even one un-Constitutional program receives funding or one dollar is added to the deficit, or Cost of Government Day comes any later than January 19 (as it did in 1910), it will not be because Republicans are powerless. It will not be because of ’the big bad liberals.’ It will be because the Republicans in the House want it that way. The only other possible explanation would be that we the people have elected to high office weak-kneed, limp-wristed, panty-waists who are afraid of a fight. No, I didn’t call the Republicans panty-waists, I said we’re going to give them two years to show us whether they are or not.


With the remake of one of my favorite movies in mind, True Grit, I have to ask, where are the national leaders with grit? Men who without fear for their popularity or political careers, will stand up to the criminal violators of our Constitution, take the reins in their teeth and a gun in each hand and charge at the oppressing oligarchs who seek to tax us into oblivion.

Oh for a handful of national leaders with True Grit!


If you agree with the content of this article, please forward, post and publish far and wide. If you don’t, who will?

© Robert W. Peck

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gematria and Binary code Crop Circles and The Cannon Wheel

This is day 5 in the Year 2011 and 29 T'vet 5771 in the Hebrew Calendar I should do this in a word or PDF and publish it online. Some of this work was inspired by a friend who is a computer programmer that began an exercise on the binary numbers for this year. A special Thanks goes to John Edwards.
Earl R. Lofland


Please watch this video Amazing Crop Circle with code, 22nd May, 2010 - Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire UK

The image below reveals the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible

This is day 5 in the Year 2011
All the verses in the Bible with Sum = 2011

And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meat offering upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean. Lev 14:20
That they gathered themselves together, to fight with Joshua and with Israel, with one accord. Jos 9:2
In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee. 2 Ch 1:7
Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD. Ps. 144:15
Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. Isa 34:15
The Hebrew Calendar date is 29 Tivet 5771 ( it is 5 yrs two months and one day from being 5777 - If you add the 5+7+7+7= 26
The Hebrew Greek Gematria for 26 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: Deuteronomy 6.
The Holy Name (YHVH) is integrated with Elohim (God, 86) and Ho Pater (The Father, 559) in the Unity Holograph. It is the personal Name of God that carries the connotation of he who is. It is based on the verb hayah - meaning to be. It is closely related to God's memorial name I AM THAT I AM (543).
Binary dates of 11-11-11 Last Saturday was 01-01-11, next Tuesday is 01-11-11in October we will see 10-01-11, 10-10-11 and 10-11-11 thenin November 11-01-11, 11-10-11 and 11-11-11
Binary Number 111111
The Decimal value is calculated by 2^6-1 = 2^3 x2^3 - 1 = 8x8-1 = 64-1 =
The number 63 is the Digital equation

Something of interest to think about:
the number 9 goes into 63 7 times.
The Hebrew Green Gematria number 63 is also one that is astounding.
The Number 63 Prophet Navia
The Voice of the Lord (Ord) [Ps 29.3] Kol YHVH
I see (Ord) [Zech 4.2] Rathi
Lead Guide Exo 32:34 Nachah
Exodus 32.34
Now go, lead the people to the place I spoke of, and my angel will go before you. However, when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin.”
So what else is there bout the number 9
Among others may be mentioned (1) that the sum of the digits which form its multiples are themselves always a multiple of nine; e.g., 2 x 9 = 18 (and 1+8=9); 3 x 9 = 27 (and 2+7=9); 4 x 9 = 36 (and 3+6=9); 5 x 9 = 45 (and 4+5=9), etc., etc.; and so with the larger numbers: 52843 x 9 = 475587 (and 4+7+5+5+8+7=36, and 3+6=9). (2) The sum of its multiples through the nine digits = 405, or 9 times 45.
It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3x3=9, and 3+3=6), and is thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man's works. Nine is, therefore, the number of finality or judgment.
The Number of Finality or Judgment
Nine is a factor of 666, (9 x 74 =666).

The digital equation of 63; reducing the number down to a single digit. break the number 63 down to a single numerical digit by adding 6+3 it totals 9
The number 9 in Greek is Θθ Theta z in our alphabet is valued as the greek sybmbol Ωmega Ωμέγα the which is actually the 24th letter in the greek lettering chart.
The letter Ωμέγα depicts the last letter which refers to the density of the universe, also called the density parameter and Ω In the Greek numeric system, valued @ 800. The word literally means "great O"8 in the bible signifies new beginnings. and with a double Ωμέγα could In Revelations Jesus say he is the first and the last. the Alpha άλφα and Omega Is this the Ωμέγα the new beginning of two previous ends 8 0 0? Some beleive that there was a pre-Adam man age and it is signified in the verses Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 (binaray code 111 and 1110)(Are we in the age of 1110 1111?) 100000 = 8 0 0

One of the most powerful alignments began and what a pattern it will create! will square Pluto and the and Venus will join Pluto in a septile arrangement. To add to this, the septiles , too.

This is 5 planets. that creating 52 degree V patterns with each other. V is the roman Character for the number 5
There is also another math anamoly the acute number of 52 Degrees is 38 the square rt of 38 is 6.1644140029689764502501923814542 (6)

Care to go deeper?

A friend of mine who is a computer programmer stated:
Last Saturday was 010111, next Tuesday is 011111in October we will see 100111, 101011 and 101111 thenin November 110111, 111011 and 111111. Aside from a few similardates in 2010 these are but a few very rare Binary Dates in whichnothing but zeroes and ones are used. Tuesdays Binary Equivalent is a decimal value of 32, a lucky number...!
Oh and Monday is 011011 but these really are rare, can you think of any others I missed? Only Zeroes and Ones are allowed.For the Glory. What Decimal Number is Equivalent to the Binary number represented by next Mondays date using this convention?Can you calculate the Decimal Equivalent of the Binary Number 111111?
His answer was below

A Binary number of 1 1 1 1 1 1 has a decimal equivalent the formula is
111111 = 2^0+2^1+2^2+2^3+2^4+2^5 = (2^6-1) = 32+16+8+4+2+1 = 63
Biblical Meaning of The Number One
There can be no doubt as to the significance of this primary number (One). In all languages it is the symbol of unity. As a cardinal number it denotes unity; as an ordinal it denotes primacy. Unity being indivisible, and not made up of other numbers, is therefore independent of all others, and is the source of all others. So with the Deity. The great First Cause is independent of all. All stand in need of Him, and He needs no assistance from any. "One" excludes all difference, for there is no second with which it can either harmonise or conflict

We just entered the 1st year of a new decade in the year 21st century. 2010 was the 10th year of the first decade Ten
Or the Eleventh Year of the 21st Century.

The number 10 marks the perfection of Divine order.
Eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that order. If twelve is the number which marks the perfection of Divine government, then eleven falls short of it.

So that whether we regard it as being 10 + 1, or 12 - 1, it is the number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.Interesting that you bring this up have you seen what is going on in the heavens? I posted something on my wall moments ago regarding what has been happening since 01-11 Today is the 4th and fouris the biblical number of CreationOne is the number of Unity

Twenty one times in the Book of Kings it is said that Jeroboam the son of Nebat "made Israel to sin":—1 Kings 14:16, 15:26, 30, 34, 16:19, 26, 21:22, 22:52; 2 Kings 3:3, 10:29, 31, 13:2, 6, 11, 14:24, 15:9, 18, 24, 28, 17:21, 23:15.

The history of Nulla or Zero (0)
This digit signifys nothing and was not recognized until around 9 AD.the digit zero is, after all. Just a symbol of something that doesn't actually exist. And in this sense, it t isn’t a number at all, but ...rather a symbol of an idea, rather than something truly quantifiable.
In Computer Programing the binary code is a sequence of 0= off and 1 = on in certain order 0 is to signfy turning off or stopping a command, and 1 is to turn it on. Let's say we had 8 lightbulbs, and they were set up like this:
Off Off On On Off On Off Off.
We write the binary code like this : 00110100. The number zero is a good stepping stone into understanding the basic concepts behind the math of such ancient thinkers as Euclid and Pythagoras. While their mathematics were surely impressive (especially for their time), they held a different purpose and meaning than they do today.To these ancient scholars, mathematics tended toward very practical applications – how to find the area of a triangle, how to determine pi, how to use geometric proofs to find unknown quantities. These were elements of mathematics that can be used in architecture, engineering, accounting, and many other applications, but never in such matters, where actual, physical things are being measured and counted, would one find the need to quantify nothingness. An engineer designing a building who ends up with a length of zero, chances are good that something wrong with a measurement somewhere.This being said, the very idea of zero being considered a number sent the ancient Greeks into a fit of philosophical (and even religious) arguments and disputes over what exactly constitutes a number, and whether numerical status can really be applied to a representation of nothingness.The establishment of zero opened the door to all sorts of mathematical strangeness – negative numbers, irrational numbers, decimals and imaginary numbers, all of which certain mathematicians (specifically Pythagoras) railed harshly against.

Last year the binary codes for the sequence of 1 and 0 would have been; 01-01-10 off on off on on off and 01-10-10 and off on on off on off10-01-10 on off off on off and 10-10-10 on off on off on off. All equal commands of on and off sequences.
This year however, the shift is turning; instead of the binary code being equal sets of 1 and o, they are now shifted to a positive level of most of these binary days as being commanded to be in the on position. 01-01-11 two off commands and 4 on commands
Next Tues 01-11-11 one off and 5 on commands. October 10-01-11 the code starts in the on positon for the first time in the 11th year of the 21 century and there are 4 On commands.
10-10-11 This is the first of a 4. Then the very next day, the repeat of what occurrs on January 11, 2011- a sequense of 5 on commands with 10-11-11 . In November 11-01-11, on on off on on on ; 11-10-11 on on on off on on. And on Novermber 11 11-11-11 the first sequence of 6 on or positive commands.
So we have a binary code turning something on 4 5 and 6 with the most powerful command happening on November 11, 2011 6 times
The number 4 in the bible signifies the number of Creation; 5 signifies the number of Redemption or Grace; and 6 has to do with man; it is the number of imperfection; the human number; the number of MAN as destitute of God, without God, without Christ. God created all things! Even calculus and the numeric systems used in charting everything from the astrological plains to the Ocean voyages even the synthetic binary codes used in microchips.